Osaka Adventure Begins

I spent the whole of last week in Japan, Osaka. It was the longest overseas vacation that I had ever been on, and it was probably the most active vacation that I had ever experienced. Everyday began at 5 am in the morning and there was so much walking involved that my poor knees and back were aching by the end of each day. Still, each day felt so important because of the thought that my stay was only a limited one, pushing me to keep moving.

 By the end of the trip there were so many photos in my camera that I was starting to get worried about my camera data, because the photos were the best representation of my memories spent here. 

My first day in Osaka was a tough one because my day began at 3 am in the morning. My flight was at 9 am but the airport was about an hour away by the express bus, and the national holiday had just began, which meant that there were going to be people en mass.

As I tried to get on my bus, there were already signs of dread as the bus driver informed the line of  travelers that there were a limited amount of seats and only the first few in the line could get on. I was extremely lucky because the couple in front of me could not get on the bus because there was only one seat left...Sweet! 

I got on the bus, being a lone traveler, feeling like I had just won the lottery. If I had not gotten on the bus right then, I would have had to have waited 30 or so minutes with another packed bus. 

Unfortunately the stroke of luck only lasted till the bus ride. Once I had arrived at the airport there was seemingly the entire nation of people already lining up for their tickets. After about 3 hours of lines and immigration, I was on the plane and heading off to Osaka. Half of me was feeling nervous about the adventure ahead of me, and half of me was feeling excited about it. 


More lines.

Even more lines.

After arriving in the airport, I felt a sense of relief knowing that the first part of the adventure had been accomplished and now the next destination was my place of stay. But before that, some Nintendo Switch and Pokemon promotions promoting Kansai airport. 

My humble lunch from the Japanese convenience store. The convenience store was the staple energizer, representing my dependency for it during the entirety of the trip. 
