Trying To Get Connected!

I've just set up a Pintrest account, Twitter account (an Instagram account is coming soon), and I am doing all this just because I had a recent conversation with a colleague of mine and he kinda sold me an idea. I've known for a long time that this era is the internet era and being connected via social media is almost as important as drinking water. I, on the other had am quite satisfied with Facebook and the already convenient resources that it supplies me with, but my colleague at work told me that if I want to promote myself I should try and tap into as many of these electronic social resources as possible. He said that the more communities I join, the bigger my chances would be in terms of meeting similar people with similar interests.

That my colleage had told me struck a nerve because just the other day I was surfing the net and I found an article literally telling me that I have been treating my blogging all wrong! Apparently the existence of a blog is to share written information and not pictures, but I was doing exactly the opposite! I was posting pictures with very little written information... This kinda made me sad because I'm quite introverted and I like spending time alone. I am in no ways disconnected from the world but I like to pull myself away from the social world more often than not to pursue my dreams and that dream is art making! After finding out that being too disconnected was kinda lame and also posting pictures was lame too I had decided to take a dive into the world of NETWORKING! How dreadful and tedious this word means to me! But for the sake of my art it is an effort that I can make happen.

What I have understood from the new social media websites that I have joined is that many artists around me have already been doing this since their birth and they are aeons ahead of me! This is quite intimidating but at the same time it is reassuring to know that there IS a community out there that actually cares about the tiny world of art and the subcategories and micro genres that exists even within the realm of art.

As of now I have not even skimmed the surface of the ocean. My feet are dangling just above it and I am just preparing myself to take a deep breath and just dive in there and really explore what I can. Hopefully I will be able to find some cool people that I can connect with and make our art become our lives instead of being a robot waiting for my next paycheck. Thinking about paychecks though... There's still another month to go before my next paycheck! DREAD!
