I Am A Hero

I literally spent the whole night, last night, reading this manga titled "I Am A Hero". Simply put it is a zombie manga on it's surface, but it becomes much more as the story steadily progresses. 

From the very first few chapters I wasn't really bought into the story because the chapters were really slowly paced and the main character was quite pathetic. 

He was quite a whiny character and he is somewhat of a pervert. Basically the first few chapters set the story up around this character, and you will start to doubt yourself about this manga being a horror manga. The manga is quite smart and during these slow chapters, they do hint at things starting to become a bit strange. Once you get to the end of the manga the shit hits the fan and the story just keeps rolling for quite a while. 

By the way, if you are considering to read this manga, then I highly suggest you avoid searching it on wikipedia because there are a hell of a lot of spoilers on it. 
