Hookah Bazooka

I created this piece for Zaza craft owner Emrah. I also just found out that this store has closed down and I have no ability to contact the owner. I created this piece to thank him for allowing me to hang my art on his store for free. I thought this piece would be more fitting for the environment. I am actually kind of really sad. I feel like this piece of art has now lost it's meaning. The rightful owner is gone. Has he gone back to Turkey? As I write I am collecting information. Hookah Bazooka is like an abandoned child. I gave it life for Emrah, but Emrah is now gone. He is now one with the millions of unavailable Hong Konger's. Hookah Bazooka was created for Emrah. Emrah...How can I contact you? Does anyone online know Zaza crafts owner? Any staff members? If anyone knows about his whereabouts please reach out to me.🙏 

